Today/Tomorrow marks the quarter of the year and the half of my stay in Hawaii. The overall theme lately has been pushing the projects at work. Yet, I managed to borrow some time to spend on water sports and thinking about the realm of video making.
Reviving is not easy
I’ve been more consistent through the last couple of weeks on posting. The goal was to revive back the amount of engagement on the account, yet it’s difficult the obtain a new set of consistent viewers. Lesson learned there that inconsistent posting makes a dead channel ;)
Two realistic goals going forward: 1) one video per week on Thursday, 2) consistent for 8 weeks.
The focus and topics have also shuffled. Some of the topics that I talked about before may deserve a remake. I gained more context over time and some old comments are less accurate today.
Turning 31
Not a surprise, I turned 31 a week ago.
On the very day of my birthdate, I did feel somewhat uncomfortable — feeling not being at the state I imagined. But you know, one way or another, I never quite felt “good enough” about career or life at 15, 20, 25, or 30.
Boring is an understatement of my current life, hey I live in Hawaii now, how about that! Rather, I just kept thinking, what if?
31 gave some sense of urgency to try more things — career or life.
Lately, I learned from work that people do get rewarded (or at least gaining experience) for putting themselves on the spot. As I get older, I feel more numbed, and perhaps easier to take in the awkwardness in situations.
Sleeping Schedule
The one thing, I think, that will change my life is the early schedules. My alarm was set at 6 am for the first 2 months here, and now set at 5:30 am.
No, the alarm doesn’t always work — but it does help to pull the clock back by 2 hours on almost everything. Waking up around 6 am, finishing bread by 7 am, and sitting in front of the monitor by 7:20 am. What a schedule!
What it does is: I end up getting up around 7 am on Weekends!
Weekends felt much better utilized in many ways. It’s really strange but satisfying to walk by the beach or downtown on Weekends at 9 am, wondering where is everybody!?
Oh, this schedule is fantastic so far.
It’s becoming a bio clock — which I hope to last into the future. I’d love to be in the early morning club ;)
Few words to wrap
I’ve been writing the script about the career shift and why I left the previous company. Lots of thinkings went into it and I found myself a ton of external influence in most past decisions.
It’s hilarious that those influences later had little to no additional impact on my life, mostly because I now have a bit more financial capability and I am a bit more numbed to risks. Anyways, I grow, duh.
I think my 31 is about building momentum for the future. I have been inconsistent at times: being passive on some decisions but overly proactive on others. This year is about moving the passive behaviors to the proactive side and making decisions that result in long-term feedbacks.