Lately, life has been around 2021 planning, working and a bit of purpose finding. Once raised, that question doesn’t really go away, right? What comes next after the months of stair climbing?
Admittedly, at times I can be driven by the superficial aspects of career growth: income, social status, work accomplishment, and of course social impact derived from my code. Lots gained from doing merely just one thing, so it deserves all the credits. My work embraces all shades of creativity in design, code architecture, user experience and so much more. So it’s definitely not any brainless repetitions that steers the mind to think.
Once a while, we all get dealt with a new hand of cards; we all have to set aside the usuals to take in the unknowns(i.e., new job, new city, new people, oh, COVID for sure). Adapting to new environment is not trivial but we all go through that a few times in life. So once again, I’ve dealt with it over last 5 months. The net-conclusion is more or less “my new job kept shining and it went well”.
Last week, we had this topic in 1:1: are we adding value? Is our value long-standing or easily replaceable? By design, one individual is replaceable at work. The value we added is measured and compensated. With this simple reality set, ‘value’ aligns more with how one feels mentally, as opposed to how literally important the one is.
To amend today’s thinking with a bright note: this job does fund the mobility pretty well so I’m grateful; I’ll continue part 2 of this thread at next location.